4 Ways to Save Money While Increasing Comfort


It doesn’t get quite as cold in Nevada as it does in northern states. But you can still save money on heating expenses. You can also improve indoor comfort levels by making simple HVAC adjustments. Changing the air filter and investing in preventative HVAC maintenance are key to increasing comfort and saving money this winter in Paradise, Nevada. Here are some other ways to save money and increase comfort:

Check the Air Filter

One of the easiest ways to improve indoor comfort levels this winter is to ensure the heating system is able to efficiently distribute air throughout the entire house. A clogged air filter makes it difficult for your heating system to heat each room evenly. It also increases your energy bills.

Changing the air filter every 90 days — once at the start of the heating season — is the easiest way to ensure efficiency. If you have indoor pets or suffer from allergies, change it every month. Pet dander will clog an air filter quickly.

Eliminate Drafts

There’s nothing worse than feeling a draft of cold air when you’re trying to get cozy. Therefore, it’s important that you eliminate drafts.

A professional HVAC specialist can inspect the home for air leaks that cause heat to escape and cold air to sneak in. By eliminating air leaks, you’ll avoid wasting energy to heat your home and enhance overall comfort levels. As a result, you’ll save money and feel better.

Invest in a Furnace Tune-Up

Have a professional HVAC contractor inspect the heating system for any issues and make appropriate adjustments. Repairing a minor issue right away can increase heating efficiency and improve indoor comfort levels. It can also help you avoid a costly premature replacement.

Consider Zoned Heating

Another great way to improve indoor comfort and save money at the same time is to invest in a ductless zoned HVAC system. This allows you to heat each room individually. As a result, you’ll avoid heating empty rooms while still keeping those that you’re in warm and cozy.

Sun Country Heating & Cooling specializes in a variety of heating services. Contact us today at (702) 213-2857 to learn more. Our team is standing by to make sure you save money and feel comfortable this winter.

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